3 kľúčové kroky

Boil the salted water at your convenience (use 1L for 100g of pasta).

Throw the pasta into the salted boiling water and let it cook for the amount of time that's written on the front of the package.

Drain your pasta. It's ready!
Laurence – 42 years of beings a pasta fan
There's nothing tortuous about this decision-making process: Torti are definitely my favourite. This spiral-shaped pasta whips all of my sauces into a tornado of flavour! No need to turn around the pot: this pasta classic should be on every table.
3 kľúčové kroky
Boil the salted water at your convenience (use 1L for 100g of pasta).
Throw the pasta into the salted boiling water and let it cook for the amount of time that's written on the front of the package.
Drain your pasta. It's ready!