3 kľúčové kroky

Boil the salted water at your convenience (use 1L for 100g of pasta)

Throw the pasta into the salted boiling water and let it cook for the amount of time that's written on the front of the package

Drain your pasta. It's ready!
Pavel – 26 years of being a pasta fan
To me, the ultimate Italian dish is the well-known Spaghetti Bolognese. It's easy to make, but hard to keep the spaghetti on your fork! It took me several tries before I mastered the fork and spoon technique and was able to stop getting stains on my shirt. Kids are allowed to use a knife, except if it's in front of a real Italian... then it's at your own risk!
3 kľúčové kroky
Boil the salted water at your convenience (use 1L for 100g of pasta)
Throw the pasta into the salted boiling water and let it cook for the amount of time that's written on the front of the package
Drain your pasta. It's ready!