Aromatic herbs
Halloumi and Semolina balls
300g of fine Semolina
500g Milk liquid
2g Turmeric
7g Salt
Dash of white pepper
75g Halloum cheese diced
40g Chopped black olives
25g Chopped sun-dried tomato
of Panzani Tomato Sauce Aromatic Herbs 2
tablespoons of Olive oil 30g
Pistachio powder 75g
1. Heat the milk in a pot.
2. Before it boils add the semolina gradually.
3. Stir for about 7 minutes on low heat until the semolina is cooked.
4. Add the turmeric, the salt , the white pepper and the olive oil.
5. Set aside to cool.
6. Then add the halloum cheese, the sun-dried tomatoes and the black olives.
7. Roll each portion of semolina dough into your hands into a perfectly round ball
(20 to 25g each).
8. Dust the semolina balls with pistachio powder .
9. In a fukhara, pour the Panzani Tomato Sauce Aromatic Herbs
10. Place the semolina balls on top of the sauce.
11. Place it in the oven for 5 mins at 180 degrees.
12. When it comes out garnish with halloum cheese, black olives and basil.
13. Serve.