
Capellini frits aux crevettes


  • 60g of Panzani Capellini
  • ½ L of water
  • 4 g coarse grey sea salt
  • 20g of lettuce
  • 10g of onion
  • 6 peeled ouassous shrimp
  • 40g of shallot
  • 10g salted butter
  • 12g
  • de vin blanc 15g
  • d'ail 7g
  • de persil frisé 75g
  • de crème liquide entière 20g
  • de parmesan râpé ½
  • citron vert 1

Preparations steps

  • 1 - Boil the Capellini for 10 mins in salted water, then drain. Pick up some Capellini with a fork and roll them up with a soup spoon. Make 6 nests in this fashion, lay them out on an oiled platter, flatten them slightly, and refrigerate.
  • 2. Sauté the onion. Add the salad, then some pepper. Toss it together for a few seconds and set aside.
  • 3. Sauté the shrimp for 1 to 2 mins in the oil and butter on high heat. Add the garlic and minced shallot, cook for 30 secs. Remove from heat and deglaze with wine, scraping the bottom of the pan. Cook for 30 seconds longer, then turn the heat off. Taste, add salt if necessary. Throw in the chopped parsley and set aside.
  • 4. Pour 1.5 cm worth of oil into a large frying pan. When it is good and hot, drop the nests in without undoing them. Cook for 2 minutes on each side, then lay out on a paper towel.
  • 5. Pour the cream and parmesan into a small pot. Cook over low heat. Add the finely chopped parsley. Once the sauce has thickened, remove from heat. Taste and salt if desired.
  • 6. Place a little sauteed salad on each clump of Capellini, then add a sauteed shrimp on top. Pour 1 teaspon of sauce onto each pile, and garnish with small slices of chilli pepper. Serve hot or at room temperature, with a small slice of lime on the side.

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