Taboulé crabe et avocat
130g of Panzani Couscous
2 avocados
2 limes
240g of canned crab
4 tbsp of oil
5 pepper blend
1 yellow pepper
1 red bell pepper
1. In a bowl, gently mix the Couscous together with the lime juice, a glass of salted water, and oil.
2. Let it rest for 30 mins in the fridge.
3. Put the avocados, remove their skin, and dice finely. Repeat the same process for the yellow and red peppers.
4. Drain the crab, separate the flesh, removing the cartilage.
5. Add these mixtures (steps 3 and 4) to the Couscous.
6. Salt, pepper with the 5 pepper blend, and sprinkle with coriander and chopped chives.
7. Mix it all together well.
8. Serve chilled.
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