Spaghetti au pesto et au basilic
400g of Panzani Spaghetti
1 bunch of fresh basil
2 garlic cloves
50g pine nuts
4 g grated parmesan
15cl of olive oil
1. Remove damaged leaves and stems from the basil.
2. Coarsely chop the pine nuts and cheese in the bowl of a food processor.
3. Thinly drizzle the oil in while increasing the blending speed until a smooth sauce is obtained.
4. Pepper and pour the pesto into a bowl.
5. Meanwhile, cook the pasta until "al dente" in boiling water, and drain. Pour it over the pesto and stir it in.
6. Serve hot, cold or lukewarm.
Are you in a hurry? Use Panzani pesto sauce!
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