Information on the privacy
protection policy

This policy explains how Panzani collects and processes your personal data via the website (the “Website”):

Who is responsible for data processing ?

All processing of your personal data carried out via the Websites is carried out by Panzani, which acts as data controller as defined by the GDPR (a simplified joint stock company with a share capital of 3,585,180 Euros, registered in the Lyon Trade and Companies Register under number 961 503 422, with its registered office at 141 cours Gambetta 69003 Lyon).

What data are collected ?

Panzani collects and processes the following personal data:
– Identification data (e.g. surname, first name, contact details)
– Log-in details and passwords for discount accounts
– Data relating to connection to and use of Panzani services (e.g. IP address, device type, type and version of browser used, etc.)
– Professional information contained in CVs and covering letters
– Data contained in requests and complaints sent to Panzani

How is the data collected used ?

Personal data is collected for the following purposes and under the following legal provisions:

  • Creation and follow-up of accounts to obtain discount vouchers => Contractual measures and legitimate interest of Panzani to ensure the management and follow-up of accounts
  • Handling of competition entries => Contractual measures and legitimate interest
  • Monitoring the number of visits to the Websites, posting personalised advertisements, analysing the audience for advertisements and improving the performance of the Websites => Consent to the placement of performance and audience monitoring cookies and Panzani’s legitimate interest in improving its Websites
  • Processing requests and complaints addressed to Panzani => Legitimate interest of Panzani
  • Managing Website security => Legitimate interest of Panzani
  • Analysis of applications received and storage of CVs => Pre-contractual measures and candidate consent
  • Handling requests to exercise rights relating to personal data => Legal obligation

What cookies are placed on the website ?

Cookies or other trackers are placed on your device (computer, smartphone, tablet) when you visit the Websites. The placing of these cookies is conditional on your consent, unless they are strictly necessary for the operation of the Websites or are deemed to be exempt from consent, in accordance with the applicable regulations.
For cookies that require consent, a cookie consent panel is displayed on the Websites, allowing you to specify your choices. You can obtain information at any time and personalise your cookie choices to accept or reject them either in full or in part.

The cookies present on the Website are as follows
by clicking here

How long do we keep your personal data for ?

Personal data are retained for the following periods, depending on the purpose stated by Panzani at the time of collection:

  • Creation and monitoring of accounts to obtain discount vouchers => Deletion of accounts if inactive for more than 2 years
  • Processing of requests and complaints => 3 years from the date of collection of the data or the last contact from the requester
  • Storage of CVs => 2 years from the date of collection of the candidate’s consent to the storage of the CV
  • Handling of requests to exercise rights over personal data => 6 years from the date of the request to exercise a right

Who receives your personal data ? Who has access to it ?

Personal data are sent, depending on the purposes for which they are processed, to:

  • the relevant Panzani departments to respond to and process your requests (e.g. quality department);
  • Panzani’s technical service providers involved in fulfilling these purposes.

Personal data may be transferred to Panzani’s subcontractors and partners located outside the European Union. In this case, the processing will be carried out if the third country is considered as a country with protection allowing the transfer or, failing that, the transfer will be supervised in accordance with the requirements of the GDPR.

What are your rights regarding your personal data ?

You have rights of access, correction, objection, deletion, withdrawal of consent, the right to restrict processing and the right to define directives relating to the storage, deletion and communication of your personal data after your death.

These rights may be exercised by sending an e-mail to the following address

In the event of dissatisfaction, you may lodge a complaint with the French Data Protection Authority (CNIL) :

Updating of the privacy policy

This policy may be updated to consider legal and regulatory developments, and changes in processing. Panzani will inform you of any substantive changes.